pe·la·ngi n 1 lengkung spektrum warna di langit, tampak krn pembiasan sinar matahari oleh titik-titik hujan atau embun; bianglala; 2 ki warna yg beraneka macam; 3 kain atau selendang yg bermacam-macam warnanya; 4 ikan hias yg bermacam-macam warna sisiknya

rainbow n. & adj.
1 an arch of colours (conventionally red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) formed in the sky (or across a cataract etc.) opposite the sun by reflection, twofold refraction, and dispersion of the sun's rays in falling rain or in spray or mist.
2 a similar effect formed by the moon's rays.
--adj. many-coloured.